I'm curious if the left over pieces on levels was intentional. Also, level 50 doesn't unlock after beating it.
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Thanks for the tip, but I'm pretty sure this isn't intended. I fought Zeus again, and reacquired his lightning and ended up in the second level. Here's a clip of the issue: https://www.twitch.tv/zenicreverie/clip/ArborealCrackySquidKappaClaus-cM4TRVcXu9...
I submitted this to a blind racing tournament. Thought you might be interested in watching the video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/476299103
Cool concept, although I felt hopeless when the light dwindled down and knew I couldn't complete the level. Maybe a reset button to quickly retry. Also, I think it could use a couple more mechanics. It'd be nice if killing the enemies restored some of the light. Having the light change color somehow for different effects might be interesting to explore. The collision detection with spikes isn't very forgiving, or maybe it's the movement that feels slippery. Some indication of the kicking direction would be nice.